I sincerely hope this finds you safe and healthy during these fucked up times.
As many of you know, at the start of the pandemic I shifted my focus from BDSM and fetishes to online grief and mental health coaching for those in transition. The experience proved to be a very good way by which to stay connected while being open to the drastic and radical shifts that were, and still are, occurring. I had no idea of the necessary and demanding position I would find myself in due to all the change. I’m thankful to have been able to give and receive.
I was lucky to be able to continue to work in some capacity by doing either phone or video sessions for individuals and couples. I found the interactions to be stimulating and fresh, they kept me on my toes, and kept my mind sharp. In fact, knowing the power I have just by using my voice is a huge turn on! You wouldn’t believe some of the things people have done for me. Conducting sessions virtually requires a very advanced ability to communicate and also the ability to “think in pictures.” You can thank my autism for the latter and my passion for the former.

Also, at the start of the pandemic I relocated to a new space. It was stressful to move during times like these, but things have finally settled down. I even have the dungeon set up for that special first day, whenever that will be. I thank all of you who assisted with the move in some capacity, even if it was just to check in on me.
One of the most challenging aspects of the last five months was the amount of death and loss I have experienced. There have been a total of five deaths so far, and three of them were people with whom I had significant and impactful histories. Needless to say, taking a break from all sessions to grieve was a choice I gladly made for my mental health. These times have reinforced my belief in appreciating the moments, the power of presence, and true connections. I’m thankful we have kept in touch.

Now, some sense of normalcy has been restored for the time being. I am back in school, and I love it! I am holding sessions of all types, and have been enjoying working with couples in particular. It seems that many people have decided to spice up their sex life as a result of the pandemic, and that liberation brings me great joy. Of course, I wish I could physically go to class and play with others, but for now, this is an excellent option. I can’t imagine what we would do without the technology that did and does carry many of us through.