This topic will require more than one post. There is simply too much to cover in one sitting (my attention span isn’t that long). Enjoy Part I!
I was 23 when I entered the sex industry, and I was terrified. My first gig involved taking artistic nude photographs for money. Typically I would make about $150 for an hour or two of shots. I would find the photographers on Craigslist – the site that veteran sex workers like myself remember fondly – before the Craigslist killings took place and the site limited access to adult ads. Continue reading HOW SEX WORK HELPED MY SEX LIFE PART I
This is one of the best documentaries – and one of the only ones for that matter – about male stripping and the culture behind it, at one of the most famous male strip clubs in Texas, called La Bare.
You should watch it, for sure. Stream now on Netflix
Do your homework
It’s time for people to wake up and realize the reality of the sex industry. It’s no new news that prostitution has been around for thousands of years and is often referred to as the oldest profession in the world. I’m not here to argue that case. I’m here to shed light on the billion dollar industry that is sex work. The industry isn’t going to magically disappear just because it makes you cringe or you feel uncomfortable thinking about the supposed lewd actions of people engaging in sex for money. Continue reading SEX WORK IS REAL
Fellow fetishists and kinky people, it is with regret and sadness that I must announce the death of one of my colleagues and community members, Domina Carmen Moriarty, also known as “MaestroCarmen” on fetlife.com. Continue reading RIP DOMINA CARMEN MORIARTY
The topic of female assertion has been coming up a lot as of late. It would be safe to assume that I do identify as a strong, assertive woman. To some, my dominance – which stereotypically is a masculine trait – is extremely threatening and has provoked the use of labels such as bitchy, scary, or mean. I understand that it may throw a lot of people off when they see such a (mostly) feminine looking woman exhibiting such confidence or assertion, but those people aren’t usually the ones with whom I choose to spend my valuable time. Continue reading THE ASSERTIVE WOMAN
First, let me start by explaining the primary reasons why I love THE CRASH PAD SERIES, BY PINK AND WHITE PRODUCTIONS:
“Based on the Award-Winning feminist queer porn The Crash Pad, Queer Filmaker Shine Louise Houston brings to the web authentic female and queer sexuality. Here you’ll find real dyke porn, lesbians, femme on femme, boi, stud, genderqueer and trans-masculine performers, transwomen, transmen, queer men and women engaging in authentic queer sexuality, whether it is with safer sex, strap-on sex, cocksucking, kink and bdsm,, gender play and fluidity, and always authentic orgasms.” –crashpadseries.com Continue reading FISTING, A GUIDE FROM THE CRASH PAD
Long shadows lie themselves against the cobblestone streets of Boulevard de Clichy. The smell of crepes and espresso fill the air after the sun has peeled itself from the earth and the stones have separated themselves from feet that walked them just the night before. Welcome to the Red-light District of Paris. Continue reading MY SISTER IS A PRODOMME